Archive of ‘Uncategorized’ category

October 18

Today I only managed to look at BC Hydro’s website before the internet crashed. For some reason I was still able to write this blog post though. On Monday I hope to learn where all our energy comes from.

October 17

Today I finished putting the information I have into its final format. Mr. Sarte previewed it, and made some excellent points, like he suggested focusing on one particular project to provide further insight to viewers.

October 16

Where I am:   I have almost completed my information gathering stage, I have just to come up with more ideas on what we can do to help with the coal problem.

By the end of the day (3:00), I hope to be done gathering information and have started my article

What I Completed:  I wasn’t able to find any more information on things we can do, but I put most of my information into draft form.

October 15

Today I was looking for ways we as average citizens of BC can help with the coal problem. So far all the sites I found were what’s already being done by Scientists and Green parties etc.. Using my fairly recent accumulation of knowledge on the subject, I was able to come up with some potential ideas of what we can do, but tomorrow I hope to come up with a few more.

October 12

Today I learned through more inquiring that steps have been taken and research is still being done on reducing the impacts of coal. On Monday, I am going to try and get info on steps we can take to reduce the coal we consume.

PS: Mr. Truss, I hope to spend Monday on gathering that last bit of data, then move on to presenting it. Plan for Inquiry

October Scavenger hunt

Learning to cite sources -Scavenger hunt

1.b Following the conditions:

2.a By =   The person who wants to use this picture must make it obvious that the picture belongs to someone else

Nc =   Nc means not commercial, anyone wanting to use this picture for commercial purposes must talk to the photographer first!

Sa =   Share alike! If you want to edit or copyright this picture, source the photographer very clearly.


2.b The site for creative commons photos I found was pixabay, it isn’t as good as compfight because you can’t search by category.

3. My motivational poster…

Quotable quote2.jpg

4. “Am I allowed to copy facts and ideas?’  Bloggers legal guide

Yes, quoting short things and adding quotes to critiques is fine. To be on the safe side, use transformatives (reword it slightly).

It is okay to quote others as long as you give them credit and change it slightly.



October 10/11

Today consisted of removing invasive plants (lamium, black berry vines and english ivy) from Como Lake. So fun! Then in the afternoon, I learned that this year, the USA’s electricity was one third coal generated. I also learned that in 2010, the worlds coal consumption equalled 7.25 billion tonnes and is expected to keep rising. I found the latter rather discouraging as my goal is to find ways to reduce that number. Tomorrow, I am going to continue researching…                                       10


Today I learned that some turbines are run on coal steam! Is there nothing that isn’t coal powered? I will continue my exploits tomorrow.                           11


October 9th

Today I planned out my inquiry and did some more research on coal. It turns out that coal is the largest source of energy towards electricity generation world-wide! I don’t think conducting research on alternative sources is going to be convincing anybody to convert. Tomorrow I will collect more information on this subject.

October 4th

My inquiry now reads: How is Coal mining harmful to BC’s resources?. Now it focuses more on BC’s resources. I think now that I have a harmful industrial process, I won’t be tearing out my hair. Tomorrow I am still going to do some more work done as I did not meet my weeks goals.

October 3rd

Today I wrote question after question trying to connect resources in B.C and Chemical reactions. I finally settled on:

‘Is there an industrial chemical reaction occurring in B.C that we should be concerned about?                                                                                                 If so, what can we do about it?’

Tomorrow I will find an industrial reaction (likely occurring in some process of mining or drilling for oil) or I am going to be very frustrated.

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